ATP Energies Inc. is a 501-(c)-(3) nonprofit scientific research corporation that is dedicated to building facilities that combine today’s existing, proven, sustainable, clean energy technologies in the most efficient means known to produce carbon neutral and carbon negative products including foodstocks, liquid fuel, Biochar and electrical energy.
ATP Energies Inc. operates its facilities on the knowledge that “Sustainable Carbon Based Energy Production” can only be achieved if you understand and accept the fact that if your carbon based waste gases are emitted into the atmosphere, then the primary source of carbon used for the manufacture of your products must be obtained from the same atmosphere where your product is finally emitted as waste. Because of this fact, ATP Energies Inc. must not now, nor will we in the future, allow any of our facilities to purchase or receive bulk CO2 gases from any business or organization that knowingly promotes the continued use of underground fossil fuels such as oil, coal, or natural gas who’s waste carbon will ultimately be emitted into the atmosphere or into the oceans.
Each facility will be capable of scaling up to supply over 100% of the electrical and liquid fuel energy needs to any city while simultaneously offsetting over 100% of that cities carbon footprint. Removing 100% of that cities solid waste and removing millions of tons of CO2 from the surrounding atmosphere.
The speed of our success depends on the amount of your monthly personal donations and corporate sponsorships. We depend on your donations to allow us to design and construct our modular prototype facilities that will physically prove to all verifying agencies how our methods can return and maintain the Carbon Dioxide content of the earths atmosphere to pre-industrial levels while simultaneously achieving individual municipal energy independence for every city in the United States.
Please forward our site address to at least 3 people you know that would like to see us succeed. If you would like to know how else you can help beyond your appreciated financial donation, click on learn more and go to our volunteer page.